

Powering the enterprise teams


  • Empower is productivity tool which will combines the instant messaging with the document management system.
  • State of the art search facility to the document content.
  • Ability to tag the documents using the configuration.
  • Ability to filter/group the documents based on the tag values.
  • This will ensure the document life cycle is tightly controlled by the author or administrator.
  • System will provide ability to tag the documents.
  • Available as SAS or Cloud based solution.


Document management system will be integrated with the instant messaging platform. Rocket Chat (Similar to Slack) is an Open source messaging platform which will allow the users to communicate as channels and individuals.Allows the users to communicate in a channel as a group. Once the user login the messaging system will display the messaging context.Users will share the documents using Empower rather than sending as attachments. The documents can be shared in the different levels eg: Organization, Channel, user. System will provide seamless integration with the messaging system by allowing assigning permissions implicitly when the documents shared using messaging system. System will act as one stop location to cater all the communication needs. Available in multiple platforms such as Web, IOS and Android.


Enabling The Social Features

Content Streams
Ability to follow the other people
Likes and Dislikes
Number of views
Recommendations based on others activity.

Improved Notifications

Ability to subscribe to the notifications at the different granularity.

Ability to choose the type of notification such as Email, Push notifications, On screen etc.

Improved Workflow

Moderating the documents by the administrators before publishing

Ability to save your own comments and attachments to the documents with the different scope.